Hope Park and Martyrs Parish Church St Andrews


2008 H.P. Accounts.pdf

Accounts for the year 31 Dec 07.pdf

Office Bearers

Minister:Rev Allan McCafferty

Session Clerk: Alan Wilson

Organist and Choirmaster: Ken Greenaway

Treasurer: Richard Nye

Roll Keeper: Lennox R Dunley

W F O Treasurer: Marianne Baird 

Assistant Roll Keeper: Isobel Robertson

Child Protection Coordinator: Fiona Sutherland

Communion Stewards:  Margaret Thomson

Congregational Link and Presbytery Elder:  Elaine Dowie

Duty Rota Organiser: Tom Duncan

Fabric Convener: Tom Donaldson

Finance Convener: William Walls

Flower Convener:  Isabel Dowie

Gift Aid Convener: Graham Sinclair

Hall Letting Convener: Janet McGregor

Life and Work Distribution:   Derek Gray

House Groups Co-ordinator: Dorothy Johnson

Pastoral Care Group Coordinator: Dorothea Morrison

Roundabout Editor: Linda Swankie

Roundabout Distribution: Hadyn Dowie

Management Team:

Rev Allan McCafferty (Minister), Tom Donaldson (Property Convener), Richard Nye (Treasurer), Alan Wilson (Session Clerk), Iain Brown, Sandra Constable, Margaret Clark, Elaine Dowie,  Pamela Reith,  Bill Sutherland, Linda Swankie.